Adopt a tree
L.A. Plants—a program sponsored by the LADWP—will be in the Eco Village for the fourth consecutive year with its popular Tree Adoption Program. Trees mitigate the effects of climate change in reducing the “urban heat island effect” by providing shade. Trees also absorb carbon dioxide and produce oxygen. Shade trees will be available to those who live or own property within the City of Los Angeles (verification required with a Driver’s License, State ID or DWP bill). Trees must be planted in the ground on private property, and will be distributed on a first come basis.
SORO Neighborhoods Council Green Team Committee & The Hami Garden
The SORO Neighborhoods Council Green Team Committee, which is open to new members and gardeners, deals with environmental legislation, environmental projects and neighborhood beautification. One of the committee’s projects was the installation and ongoing management of the communal garden at Hamilton High School. At the Green Team booth, you will have the opportunity to discuss your interests with committee members and gardeners; and to sign up for newsletters and emails. In addition, the Hami Garden will be selling—at the lowest prices in town—plants, succulents, seeds, composters, worms and worm bins to raise money for the garden.
The Second Annual Eco Car Expo!
Back by popular demand, we will once again exhibit various electric vehicles and electric hybrids to expand awareness of this eco-friendly technology. Car emissions make up the majority of Los Angeles’ greenhouse gas emissions. Only by expanding the use of electric vehicles will we meet our greenhouse gas reduction targets! Come see the latest EV designs and learn how easy and fun these cars are to maintain…and how they can greatly reduce your energy bill!!!
Current EV
A local company, Current EV, will make buying or leasing an EV for you as easy and inexpensive as possible. They can also help you buy and install the right charger, as well as assist you with getting solar power installed to power your home, business, and electric vehicle.
The experts at Current EV will be on hand to tell you everything you need to know about EVs, chargers, and solar power.
Outstanding Green Citizenship Award:
Kellogg Garden Products
For more than a decade, Kellogg Garden Products has generously donated thousands of dollars’ worth of the highest quality organic soil amendments, fertilizers, and potting mixes to keep our public school gardens flourishing in the South Robertson neighborhood. These gardens could not exist without Kellogg’s continued generosity. Hundreds of students have worked and studied in our school gardens and some have gone on to be environmental scientists, community leaders and avid backyard gardeners. For its commitment and contribution to our earth, our Sunday Festival will present Kellogg Garden Products with the prestigious Outstanding Green Citizenship Award for 2017.